You can grow pretty much anything in a hugel that you can grow in a conventional garden bed, but you need plan ahead. Hugel characteristics Although a tradtional or hybrid hugel increases the growing area of your garden, different sections of a hugel are not identical. I divide each of …

When building hugels, it’s helpful to think like a forest. Rotting trees fall on the forest floor, leaves, bark, and sticks layer on top of this. Worms, fungi and animal droppings have their place in creating rich soils. Size The optimum size for a hugel is at least 3feet, or …

If you have free access to the materials required to build a hugel (logs, sticks, mulch), it’s much cheaper and easier than any other form of water efficient garden bed. Benefits What are the advantages of using hugelkultur over other gardening or permaculture techniques? The main benefits of Hugelkultur beds …

Hügelkultur (hoo-gul-culture) was coined by German horticulturalists Hans Beba and Herman Andra in the late 1970s and translates roughly as “mound culture”. More recently it has gained popularity through the work of the Austrian permaculturalist, Holzer Sepp. What is Hugelkultur? At its simplest, hugelkultur is the principle of building a …